Wednesday, March 16, 2011


HELLOOOO. i havent updated my blog for sooo long. pff. well, there's this guy hu likes my best fren and he's a total jerk.
I hate him but im actually pretending to be his fren. he calls me his da jie but thats like a total lie cos i hate him like hell:) have u ever heard of the phrase " be close to ur frens but even closer to ur enemies? " well thats wat im doin.. he's the enemy duh. and i am so gonna laff at him when he fails. giving him fake support thou hehe. he is such a loser and he will nvr get a girlfriend with that fucking attitude of his.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

secondary life

Hey guys n gals! dudes and dudettes! its me again! Did i hear someone groan? Too bad...well, life at the new school is really horrible. My phone got confiscated at the end of week 2 (dont laugh), and the teachers are ok, kinda. On to friends...there's another Cheryl in my class so things are complicated. Our seating arrangements are bad, well according to me they are. Without Yi Shien in the class, life is a total misery. :( Well, i'm trying to stay positive so wish me luck! Hope you all have a great year, keep on smiling!!! :D

Monday, November 16, 2009


这一年很快就结束了。离开学校后,我都会想念我全部的朋友。明年会上一个完全不同的学校,认识的朋友也不在了。想起来都觉得一点害怕 =s 。我有点儿紧张因为我不知道考到的成绩如何。嗨,我希望明年可以去到一所好学校。。

Monday, September 14, 2009


假期时,我们都要回到学校上课四天,很累。在星期六早上,妈妈和我到 IMM 去食物。走来走去,看到了很多有趣的东西可是妈妈不让我买。我在三楼看到了一些游戏玩具机,连忙跑过去玩。可是,我什么都没有赢到所以我就气喷喷地走掉。=P

Thursday, September 10, 2009



Sunday, August 16, 2009


新加坡已经四十四岁了! 上个星期,我和妈妈爸爸留在家里看国庆日表演。我们一家人拿着新加坡的国旗,一边看表演,一边挥国旗。今年的国庆日表演比去年还断,今年的节目比去年的还少。可是在家里,大家都可以感觉到国庆的气氛。新加坡生日快乐!=)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

